
Our commitment to excellence in breast care, combined with cutting-edge technology and a compassionate approach, ensures that you receive the best possible care for your breast health.

State-of-the-Art Mammography Service at Holy Rosary Hospital

Our commitment to excellence in breast care, combined with cutting-edge technology and a compassionate approach, ensures that you receive the best possible care for your breast health.

At Holy Rosary Hospital, we understand the importance of early detection in breast health. That’s why we are proud to offer a highly professional and state-of-the-art mammography service, dedicated to providing women with accurate and reliable breast imaging. Our commitment to excellence in breast care, combined with cutting-edge technology and a compassionate approach, ensures that you receive the best possible care for your breast health.

Why Choose Our Mammography Service?

  • Expert Technologists: Our mammography team consists of skilled and certified technologists with extensive experience in breast imaging.
  • Advanced Equipment: We utilize advanced digital mammography machines that offer high-resolution images for enhanced detection capabilities.
  • Timely Results: With our efficient processes and modern technology, we aim to provide you with timely results, reducing unnecessary waiting times.
  • Comfortable Environment: We understand that mammograms can be intimidating, so we strive to create a warm and welcoming environment to make you feel at ease during the procedure.
  • Accurate Interpretations: Our team of specialized radiologists is dedicated to accurately interpreting mammograms and promptly communicating the results to you and your healthcare provider.

Our Mammography Services

  • Screening Mammograms: We recommend regular screening mammograms for early detection in women with no symptoms, helping to identify potential abnormalities at an early stage.
  • Diagnostic Mammograms: If a screening mammogram reveals an area of concern, our diagnostic mammograms provide detailed images to further investigate any abnormalities.
  • 3D Mammography (Tomosynthesis): Our 3D mammography technology creates a series of detailed images, enhancing the detection of breast abnormalities and reducing the need for additional tests.
  • Breast Ultrasound: In cases where further evaluation is needed, breast ultrasound is a valuable tool to assess breast tissue and identify any potential issues.

Patient-Centered Care

Your comfort and well-being are our top priorities. Our compassionate staff will guide you through the mammography process and address any questions or concerns you may have. We recognize that every patient is unique, and we tailor our approach to meet your specific needs.

When to Schedule a Mammogram

  • Regular Screenings: It is essential for women aged 40 and above to schedule regular annual mammograms as part of their breast health care routine.
  • Individualized Recommendations: Women with a family history of breast cancer or other risk factors may require mammograms at an earlier age or more frequent screenings.

Take Charge of Your Breast Health

Early detection is key to ensuring the best possible outcomes in breast health. Take charge of your well-being and schedule a mammogram today at Holy Rosary Hospital’s Mammography Service.

At Holy Rosary Hospital, we are committed to providing exceptional mammography services to empower women in safeguarding their breast health. Let us be your partner in promoting wellness and early detection.

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